- A round peg in a square hole
- Человек не на своём месте
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
round peg in a square hole — or square peg in a round hole A person who is unsuited to the particular position he or she occupies • • • Main Entry: ↑peg … Useful english dictionary
you can't fit a round peg in a square hole — you can t force a person into roles for which he/she is not suited … English contemporary dictionary
square peg in a round hole — round peg in a square hole or square peg in a round hole A person who is unsuited to the particular position he or she occupies • • • Main Entry: ↑peg … Useful english dictionary
peg — [peg] n. [ME pegge, prob. < LowG source, as in Du peg, wooden plug < IE base * bak , staff > L baculum, stick] 1. a short, usually tapering or pointed piece of wood, metal, etc. used to hold parts together or in place, or to close an… … English World dictionary
round — adj., n., adv., prep., & v. adj. 1 shaped like or approximately like a circle, sphere, or cylinder; having a convex or circular outline or surface; curved, not angular. 2 done with or involving circular motion. 3 a entire, continuous, complete (a … Useful english dictionary
peg — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pin; degree. See support. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. pin, holder, marker, tack, screw, fastener, plug, bolt, dowel, treenail, linchpin; see also nail . • round peg in a square hole or [m1]• square peg in … English dictionary for students
square peg — see under ↑peg • • • Main Entry: ↑square * * * square peg, person or thing unfit or unsuitable: »You can t put a square peg in a round hole … Useful english dictionary
hole — n. & v. n. 1 a an empty space in a solid body. b an aperture in or through something. 2 an animal s burrow. 3 a cavity or receptacle for a ball in various sports or games. 4 colloq. a small, mean, or dingy abode. 5 colloq. an awkward situation. 6 … Useful english dictionary
peg — n. & v. n. 1 a a usu. cylindrical pin or bolt of wood or metal, often tapered at one end, and used for holding esp. two things together. b such a peg attached to a wall etc. and used for hanging garments etc. on. c a peg driven into the ground… … Useful english dictionary
square — noun 1》 a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles. ↘something that is the shape of a square or a cube. ↘historical a body of infantry drawn up in rectangular form. 2》 an open, typically four sided, area… … English new terms dictionary
square peg in a round hole — If somebody s in a situation, organisation, etc, where they don t fit in and feel out of place, they are a square peg in a round hole … The small dictionary of idiomes